I'm Growing A Tiny Human: Old Wives Tales

I wasn’t sure how much of my pregnancy I wanted to document online, so I’ll just see how it goes, but I have read a couple of posts regarding old wives tales which are said to be able to predict whether you’re having a boy or a girl. 

Old Wives Tales

Although I’m pretty sure none of them are ever going to be 100% I thought it would actually be a fun thing to do, to look through a couple of them and compare myself and see what the overall outcome is before I have my 20 week scan.

  1. Morning Sickness - apparently it’s said that having excessive morning sickness means that you are having a baby girl.
I’ve been pretty lucky throughout my first trimester I’ve only really been tired so no morning sickness at all, the occasional sick feeling but nothing ever came of it.

Verdict: Boy.

  1. Pregnancy glow - so it’s said, baby boys make their mother’s glow with radiance where as baby girls take the glow for themselves and give you breakouts.
Throughout the first trimester my skin never really changed, I never really got anymore spots than I normally would, fast forward to the second trimester and I’m so much more spotty, all around my nose and chin is covered in little spots.

Verdict: Girl.

  1. Moody versus Mellow - being more mellow throughout your pregnancy is apparently in relation to having a boy and girls tend to make you moody.
I don’t think my moods have changed all that much, but I would definitely say I’m more mellow than I am moody. 

Verdict: Boy.

  1. Carrying high or low - carrying your bump high is said to be a baby girl and having a lower bump is a boy.
I wouldn’t even know how to answer this one because I don’t even look pregnant, I just look like I’ve had a big meal. Even at 20 weeks you can’t really tell I’m pregnant at all.

Verdict: Undecided.

  1. The Ring Test - surely we’ve all heard of this one. You attach a ring to the end of a piece of string and you hang it over your bump and wait for it to move. A circular motion is for a girl and a straight line is a boy.
We tried this one out pretty early on and either Rhys was doing it right or it just doesn’t work but it didn’t move at all for us.

Verdict: Undecided.

  1. Heart Rate - apparently little girls have much faster heart beats, 140 bpm means you’re having a girl.
I heard the baby’s heartbeat at my 16 week check up and I asked the midwife what the bpm were and she said around 140, but that all depends on whether the baby is sleepy or feeling energetic.

Verdict: Girl.

  1. Heartburn - this is apparently associated with having a baby girl and also a baby with lots of hair.
As of yet I haven’t had any heartburn what so ever.

Verdict: Boy.

  1. Hair - dull and thin looking hair is due to a baby girl and luscious think hair is down to a boy.
I don’t think my hair has really changed, I’ve always had pretty thick hair and I think it’s still pretty much the same, it doesn’t seem to be coming out as much as it used to.

Verdict: Boy.

  1. Body Hair - again the more hair you have and the quicker it grows is apparently due to you having a boy.
I wouldn’t say that I have any more hair than usual but it is definitely growing quicker than it used to.

Verdict: Boy.

  1. Sleep - this is a new one to me but apparently if you sleep on your left you’re having a boy, and your right is for a girl.
I usually have to lie on my right hand side to fall asleep, occasionally I preferred my back but lately I find it much easier sleeping on my back and sometimes my right side.

Verdict: Girl.

  1. The Mayan System - another one I hadn’t heard of before but apparently if you take the mother’s age at conception and the year of conception - if both are even/odd then you are having a girl and if one is even/odd then you’re having a boy.
Well I am 30 and the year is 2018.

Verdict: Girl.

Overall Verdicts: 
Girl: 4/11
Boy: 5/11
Undecided: 2/11

So after answering all 11 wives tales we’re not really any the wiser but yesterday we went for our 20 week scan and we actually found out that we’re having a little girl


1 comment

  1. oooh this is really interesting. I have my 20 week scan next Thursday so I'm really into this kind of thing. Like you I've had quite a mixed response to all of these so I guess I've just got to see at the scan!

